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"I think people look more at our actions in rough times, when the emotions are raw and our guard is down.  That's when our true character shows and we find out if our faith is real"

-Tony Dungy-



#We will Win
The name of this blog came from the beautiful speech Pat, my husband, gave at my son CJ’s funeral. He stated right away when CJ passed away that he wanted to be the one to talk about his son because there wasn’t anyone that knew him better than the two of us- there wasn’t anyone that loved him more than the two of us.

He wanted everyone listening to know our son. He did such a wonderful job and gave the most beautiful tribute to CJ. It was perfect in every way. After that beautiful tribute to his son, when I didn’t think I could be more proud, standing before hundreds of people he spoke the most inspirational words. Pat shared that we were winners. We were raised as winners, and we raised our children to be winners.

Being a winner doesn't mean you always get what you want or come out on top, but instead, it's how you reacted when things don't go your way.

He wanted so many of the young friends of CJ's to know that we were going to be okay, and they would too.

I think we both knew at the time, and still to this day, that CJ was right there with Pat giving him the courage and words to help heal this community. I may be the writer of the words, but Pat has always been the speaker. We work together in many ways. So much of what I will write here will come from discussions we have together.

I wanted to write this blog because early on when I felt hopeless and full of despair, I searched the internet and social media for anything that would help me. I’m not sure if our journey will help anyone, but if it can I am willing to share our story.

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